Medium Battle Ship Mamba

Code: mamba
₴ 15000
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Мамба - це корабель, виготовлений Зоргоном Петерсоном. Він безпосередньо конкурує з іншим бойовим судном Зоргона Петерсона, Fer-De-Lance, що містить аналогічний масив переваг та недоліків за аналогічною ціною.
The Mamba is a ship manufactured by Zorgon Peterson. It directly competes with Zorgon Peterson's other premium combat vessel, the Fer-de-Lance, featuring a similar array of advantages and drawbacks at a similar price point. The Mamba's key distinguishing characteristic is its increased speed potential over the Fer-de-Lance, reflecting its heritage as a racing ship. In a press release announcing the ship's debut, Zorgon Peterson declared, "If it's speed and firepower you want, the Mamba is for you. Based on a racing prototype, it's the fastest commercially available starship, and it sports enough hardpoints for a range of devastating weaponry. Whether you're leaving competitors in the dust or running rings around those pesky Thargoids, think Mamba!"
Landing Pad Size
72.2m x 50.1m x 11.4m
Pilot Seats
Fighter Hangar
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